Hello! Thanks for visiting my site.
I think I wrote my first song when I was about nine years old. I remember it, but it isn’t recorded anywhere, which is good, because I’m pretty sure it sucked. I started recording when I was thirteen or fourteen, using a boom box and a tape deck and a four-channel mixer from Radio Shack to do ping-pong overdubs that featured as much hiss and hum as signal and were out of tune because the transport speeds didn’t match. I played drums and piano and a Casio CZ-101. I heard the sculptor George Herms say not to disavow your juvenilia, but this stuff is pretty hard to listen to. It was, however, leading to something.
Fast forward a couple of decades (a formative apprenticeship to Jonathan Wolff starting in the early days of digital, marriage and a family, the late emergence of some rudimentary guitar and vocal chops driven by my DIY obstinacy, a serendipitous transition from sitcoms to kids’ TV) and the contours of that something are finally discernible. The relative value of talent and luck is the subject of perennial debate, but not stamina. Stamina is everything.
I have the studio I always dreamed of as a kid; I have clients whose talent, generosity, and loyalty astonish me every day; I have a happy marriage and two enchantingly tumultuous children; and I have you, whether you’re a producer doing research, a curious fan of one or more of the shows, or whether your visit is just the search bar equivalent of a butt-dial, which the more I think about it the more I’m like okay that’s definitely none of my business.
Whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re here, and I hope you find what you’re looking for, or something just as good that you’re not.